Find Relief from Your Headaches

Broken Arrow, OK residents might consider talking to a qualified chiropractor such as Drs. James, R. Brent and Doug Newcomb of Newcomb Chiropractic to help find relief from headaches.

Headache pain is one of the most common – and debilitating – maladies out there. Headaches can vary in pain and intensity, from the Headacheannoying to the excruciating. While about five percent of headaches turn out to be symptoms of other underlying medical issues, the vast majority are caused by other triggers such as certain foods, noises, or other environmental stimuli.

In some cases, maybe you know what causes your headaches – a certain food, for example. And more often than not, you probably just treat your headache yourself with a little rest and over-the-counter pain relievers such as aspirin.

But what if there are more effective ways to prevent and treat those headaches?

That’s where your Broken Arrow, OK chiropractor can be of help.

Your Broken Arrow, OK chiropractor has extensive education and training in the problems of the lower back and spine and knows how problems of the spine can interconnect to all areas of your body.

Your Broken Arrow, OK chiropractor also knows that a large percentage of headaches are caused by muscle tension in the neck. That happens more and more today because people tend to be more sedentary.

So what can you do to help prevent headaches?

Once you have professionally ruled out any other underlying medical conditions as causing your headaches, the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) suggests the following:

  • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration
  • Don’t clench your teeth.
  • If you spend a lot of time in the same position, such as sitting in front of a computer, you should take breaks every 30-60 minutes to stretch.
  • When you stretch, you should do simple exercises that put your head and neck through a comfortable range of motion
  • If you tend to suffer from dull, throbbing headaches, avoid heavy exercise. Try walking or some other low-impact activity instead.

Your Broken Arrow, OK chiropractor might suggest one of several treatment options, including, but not limited to:

  • Performing spinal manipulation or chiropractic adjustment to improve spinal function and ease the stress on your body
  • Provide nutritional advice
  • Suggest vitamin supplements
  • Provide advice regarding posture, ergonomics, exercises and relaxation techniques.

If you are seeking the services of an experienced chiropractor in Broken Arrow, OK, to help you find relief from your headaches, consider contacting Drs. R. Brent and Doug Newcomb at Newcomb Chiropractic. For more information call 918-251-4239 or visit the website at

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